Interested to start a Science & Innovation Club in your School?Contact 9966775534 orclick & fill this School Request for a GYST Club. [Click here]Submit GYST Club Data Form Online Download GYST Club Data Form PDF Download GYST Club Terms of Reference Document Submit GYST Club Winner or Participant Form |
GYST Clubs since 2022...

What is a GYST Club?
GYST Club is a short form for GETA Young Scientist Talent Club. It is a home for Science and Innovation talent in High Schools. The objective of GYST Clubs is to groom Young Innovators by providing opportunities to develop Interest in Science, nurture Creative Thinking, and practice putting Ideas to Working Models. GYST Clubs bring National and International Science Competitions closer to students by means of awareness and knowledge support.
GYST Clubs are sponsored by GETA Service Trust (www.getaservicetrust.org) established in 2005 as a part of their GETA Young Scientist Program.
Who is a GYST Club meant for?
GYST Clubs are for students from 6th to 12th grades. Any student desiring to be an Innovator, Scientist, or an Entrepreneur should join a GYST Club to hone skills. Students having interest in Science, desirous of winning Science Competitions, or simply interested to improve in Science may join GYST Clubs.
How many students can join a GYST Club?
The minimum strength is 30 students and the maximum is 60. A mixed strength of boys and girls from different grades are suggested for membership. In case more students express interest to join the Club, membership may be given based on a Screening process by the School Management.
What is the Structure of a GYST Club?
Two Teachers from the School support and guide the Members as Mentor Teachers.
Five members out of the sixty are nominated by the Mentors as Leaders, viz., President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer.
What is the term of a Leadership Team?
GYST Clubs are administered as per the Academic Year. However, for uniformity, one year is considered from July to June. Leaders nomination by Mentors is valid for one year. Different students should be given the opportunity to be Leaders in the following year.
How many GYST Clubs can be initiated in a School?
Only one.
Names of GYST Clubs typically include School Name and Town. e.g., GYST Club of ZP High School Chinnaganjam, GYST Club of Andhra Ratna Municipal High School Perala, GYST Club of Gowthami eTechno School Chirala.
What kind of activities are conducted in a GYST Club?
GYST Clubs are a breeding place for Innovation. So, activities are designed to creatively engage members throughout the year. At least 10 activities, events, or competitions are expected in a year from each Club. Although not to be limited to, here are suggested activities for GYST Clubs…
- Guest Lectures, Seminars, Video and Audio Sessions on Science & Innovation
- Training on Models and Prototypes, Innovation Workshops, Science Exhibitions
- Visits to Science Labs, Innovation Labs, Science Museums, Discovery Centers, and future-oriented Industries
- Elocution, Debate, Paper Presentations (PPTs), Poster Presentations, Drawing, Essay Writing, Quizzes, etc. on Contemporary Innovations as well as future Trends. Even Spell Bee could be done on Science, Innovation, Scientists, and so on.
- Poems, Song Writing, Singing, Dance, Fancy Dress, Mono-action, Skits, Rangoli, Magic, etc. are done on Science Concepts, disruptive Ideation, Creative possibilities in future.
GYST Clubs would have an Annual Calendar of Recommended Events with Monthly Themes. These events include concepts like Scientist of the Month, Innovative Idea of the Month, National Days, International Days, etc.
GYST Club activities go hand in hand with Academic activities in the School. They are complementary to Student Learning Goals and help raise interest in Studies and School environment.
What are the benefits of a GYST Club to Students?
Charter Certificate: You get a Charter Certificate for the Club with Start Date and Names of President and Secretary. You may frame it and display it in the School.
Club Banner: You get a Banner for the Club.
Memorabilia: Club Leaders would get ID Cards. Additionally, Caps, Scarfs, Lapel Pins, Badges, etc. may be given on occasions.
Organising Events: There is a lot of help and guidance provided in organising events in the School, such as…
- You get Science & Innovation Themes for each Month
- You get a Calendar of Suggested Events for the Academic Year
- You get Participant Registration Templates
- You get Evaluation Templates
- You get Question Papers, where appropriate
- You get Study Materials, Question Banks, etc. for pre-event distribution, where appropriate
- You get Digital Certificates for Winners
- You get Digital Certificates for Participants
- You get Press Note Templates
Beyond the School: Members get an opportunity to participate and compete in Inter-Club, Inter-School Competitions, District, State, and National Events. Winners of those events would receive Print Certificates and Prize Books from GETA HQ.
Learning Opportunity: Members can attend Seminars, Workshops, Training Programs, Field Trips, Educational Visits, Industrial Visits, Science Exhibitions, and Science Museums organised by the Club.
GYS Talks: Have you heard of TED Talks or TEDx Talks? GYS Talks is a beautiful platform similar to TEDx Talks exclusively for GYST Club Members to hone their Speaking Skills. Members would receive training. Recorded speeches would be published on GETA Young Scientist YouTube Channel. And, there would be periodic contests and prizes too.
Science Competitions: You would get public domain Study Materials for Reputed Science Competitions. You would get details of Mock Tests for these Competitions.
National Recognition: Details of all Mentors, Leaders, and Members would be in the GYST Clubs Directory online. Also, details of events, pictures, press coverage would be available on the Portal. Additionally, published on Social Media Channels like Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp. So, you could get recognition and appreciation from audiences across the Country.
Digital Library: All members get access to GETA Digital Library that contains Science Books, Science Magazines, Posters, and Reference Materials.
Knowledge Sharing: Members exchange Ideas in GYST Clubs Forums. Members get to know of others’ works, derive inspiration, and do better.
At the end of the year, both Leaders and Members have a chance to receive performance-based Annual GYST Champion Awards.
What are the benefits of a GYST Club to Teachers?
Club Mentors get ID Cards.
Mentors get public domain Course Materials and Science Kits for various competitions. This would save time in coaching students.
Mentors get to know like-minded teachers across the Country and share knowledge and experience. It could also lead to recognition.
At the end of the year, Mentors have a chance to receive performance-based Annual GYST Champion Awards.
What is the Membership Fee in a GYST Club?
Annual membership fee for a student is ₹10, i.e., for one year. Please note that this is simply to bind the student towards this role as anything being free is typically neglected.
The School Management contributes ₹100 one time towards administrative charges when a New Club is started in their School.
What are the responsibilities of Mentor Teachers?
The primary responsibility of Mentor Teachers is to provide a conducive environment grooming Young Innovators from the School. One could look at it as an opportunity to give back to the Nation and derive professional satisfaction of being a Teacher.
Mentor Teachers should have Telegram and WhatsApp on their phones for regular communication.
Organise an Installation Event or Club Launch Event where a physical Club Charter (Printed Certificate) is presented to Club Leaders.
Watch timely reporting by Leaders of events on GYST Clubs Portal and Social Media Channels as directed.
What are the responsibilities of Leaders?
At least two Student Leaders need to have Telegram and WhatsApp on their phones for regular communication.
Use GYST Club Logo and Club ID in Club Activity Backdrop, Banners, Signboards, Literature, Certificates, and so on.
Report Events conducted on GYST Clubs Portal within three days after completion. This is one of the most important tasks of the Leaders. This is the basis on which your Club would qualify for Annual GYST Champion Awards.
Encourage Members to take part in National and International Science Competitions, Inter-Club events, etc.. Members should get ample opportunities from the Club.
Promote use of Digital Library by Members.
Where are the GYST Club activities published?
GYST Clubs provide an opportunity for National and International Recognition by means of participation and winning in various events.
GYST Club activities get a digital footprint among channels including GYST Clubs Portal, GYST Clubs Youtube Channel, GYST Clubs Facebook Page, GYST Clubs Google Photo Album, GYST Clubs Telegram Group, GYST Clubs Whatsapp Groups besides Instagram and Twitter.
What are the Awards and Recognitions for GYST Clubs?
There will be “GYST Champion Awards" every year in June based on the performance of the Clubs during the designated year. These Awards include Best Club, Best President, Best Secretary, Best Mentor, Best Event, and so on. There would also be Special Appreciations to Select Members and/or Participants in events.
Primary Criteria Annual Awards would be the number of events organised in the year, number of participants in each event, variety of events, Member feedback from those events, and so on.
Participation in Reputed Science Events like INSPIRE MANAK, VVM, and NCSC is another important yardstick. Significant attention would be given to Club Members winning Awards in these Reputed Science Competitions. After all, the very objective of the Club is to groom Members create valuable Innovations.
A Club can only qualify for these Awards when the Club Leaders report events on the GYST Club Portal in a timely manner. All the events reported are tracked and presented in the Events Dashboard on the Portal. This gives a decent exposure to Clubs to showcase their good work.
GYST Champion Awards comprise of Cash, Trophies, Certificates, and announcement on GYST Club Channels.

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