2017 Events

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Event Name Place Event Date Persons Influenced Project Cost Partner
Belt and Tie Distribution MPP School 21-Dec-2017 150 Rs. 10,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
AVOPA Pension Avopa Office 15-Dec-2017 200 Rs. 70,000 AVOPA, Chirala
Talent Test On Making Laugh Rotary Club, Chirala 09-Dec-2017 30 Rs. 15,000 Aatla Progressive Investment Services Ltd, Chirala
Prize Distribution NJA High School 29-Nov-2017 70 Rs. 500 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Shoes Distribution Spl M.P.School 28-Nov-2017 156 Rs. 15,000 Balanandam Trust, Jandrapeta
Talent Test on Essay Writting NJA High School 25-Nov-2017 34 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Talent Test on Moral Stories NJA High School 18-Nov-2017 50 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
GETA 12th Anniversary Spl M.P.School 14-Nov-2017 250 Rs. 20,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Talent Test on Neeti Padyalu All Schools 11-Nov-2017 120 Rs. 15,000 Aatla Progressive Investment Services Ltd, Chirala
Speech Therapy Machine Donation at CMRC (Rotary) Sri Chaitanya Manovikas Kendram 10-Nov-2017 150 Rs. 20,000 Rotary Club of Chirala
Gunny Bags In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 10-Nov-2017 50 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Musical Chairs In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 10-Nov-2017 70 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Blasting Baloon Game In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 09-Nov-2017 100 Rs. 2,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Running In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 09-Nov-2017 100 Rs. 2,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Kho-Kho Games In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 09-Nov-2017 44 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Lemon Spoon Game In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 08-Nov-2017 50 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Skipping Compititions In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 08-Nov-2017 50 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Kabaddi In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 08-Nov-2017 60 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Skits Compitition In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 07-Nov-2017 60 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Singing Compitition In Spl M.P.School Spl M.P.School 07-Nov-2017 50 Rs. 1,000 Self (GETA Service Trust)
Notebooks Distribution at NJAHS NJA High School 02-Nov-2017 300 Rs. 12,000 Power Mech Foundation, Vijayawada
Deepavali Festivel In KGBV KGBV 19-Oct-2017 150 Rs. 10,000 Rotary Club of Chirala
Valedictory Function Rotary Club, Chirala 18-Oct-2017 70 Rs. 20,000 Aatla Progressive Investment Services Ltd, Chirala
Rotary Fancy Dress Rotary Club, Chirala 17-Oct-2017 70 Rs. 2,000 Aatla Progressive Investment Services Ltd, Chirala
Rotary Quiz Rotary Club 16-Oct-2017 100 Rs. 1,000 Aatla Progressive Investment Services Ltd, Chirala