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GYStalks National Elocution Contest for 2023 was completed. Join the Telegram Channel using the link below to watch out for the next Contest. Here is the 2023 Announcement for reference...

GYStalks National Elocution Contest 2023

Theme: If I were a Scientist...

Eligibility: High School Students (Grade 6 to 10)

Submission Mode: Online, via Telegram Group (https://t.me/GYS_Talks)

Submission Format: Video (minimum 2 minutes and maximum 4 minutes)

Presentation Language: English, Hindi, Telugu

Last Date for Submission: 24-Feb-2023

Prizes: First (Rs. 3,000), Second (Rs.2,000), Third (Rs. 1,000) plus Certificates and Mementos

Prizes Distribution Date: National Science Day, 28-Feb-2023

All entries should be posted in the Telegram group in the following format:

  1. Student Full Name:
  2. Class:
  3. Mobile:
  4. Email:
  5. School Name:
  6. District:
  7. State:
  8. Guide Teacher Name:
  9. Guide Teacher Mobile:
  10. Attach the Video File.


  • One student can submit one entry only. There is no restriction on number of students from a school.
  • The student can speak giving ideas imagining himself or herself as a Scientist.
  • Elocution videos are evaluated on...
    Content (60 Marks: Starting the topic, richness or number of points, duration, relevance to topic, conclusion),
    Behaviour (15 Marks: Appearance in front of the Camera, dress, greeting and thanking audiences, body language),
    Speech (15 Marks: Clarity, pace, continuity, pauses, stuttering, voice modulation, recording quality), and
    Language (10 Marks: Grammar, Vocabulary).

For clarifications, contact 9966775534 or geta.young.scientist@gmail.com.

Link to Telegram Group: (https://t.me/GYS_Talks)