GETA Young Scientist Quizzes
At 7 PM Online Every Wednesday
Celebrate Science, Think Innovation!
GYS Quizzes are for students of Classes 6 to 12. These are Science Quizzes laying foundation for Innovative Thinking. They are full of Graphics and Animations. By practicing these GYS Quizzes Online, students gain confidence in Science. They can think of innovative solutions to problems, with ease.
You may take these Quizzes any number of times until you feel comfortable with your knowledge. You get scores by email along with correct answers, in case of wrong answers. More details about these quizzes are at the bottom of this page.
Thanks to Teacher Pavani Bhanu Chandra Murthy, we have been publishing these Online Science Quizzes every week since 26 January 2022. The number increases each week. So, we present 40 quizzes per page with the latest quiz on top. You may navigate between pages. All the best for your quizzing spirit.
Click on a Quiz Link below to go to that Quiz.
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Page       1 2 3 4   NEXT   LAST   [ 160 Quizzes in 4 Pages ] |
About GYS Quizzes...
The objective of GETA Young Scientist (GYS) Quizzes is to strengthen knowledge and interest in Science laying foundation for Innovative Thinking.
GYS Quizzes are Online. Published at 7 PM on Wednesdays.
These Quizzes are for students from Classes 6 to 10.
Each Quiz comprises of 25 multiple choice questions. Designed for 20 minutes.
Every participant will get Quiz Answers and Score by email.
On the day it is published...
- Every participant taking the Quiz with more than 60% Score will get a Digital Certificate. However, the Quiz continues to be available on GETA Website for repeated practice.
- First and Second Prize Winners in each Grade will get Printed Certificates by Courier.
- Also, there are Cash Awards for Monthly Winners. Each Participation gives 25 points, Second Prize 75 points, and First Prize 100 points. Two overall winners in each month will get Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 500 worth Amazon Gift Vouchers.
Click link to join GETA Young Scientist Telegram Channel for announcements.
Celebrate Science, Think Innovation!